Luxury Strip Club and Bar
Mondays and Fridays 9pm-12am EST
No minors allowed.
Primal Exodus Empyreum Ward 15 plot 2

Interior design by Lea Lux

Escorts are wearing the looking to meld tag.
Amielux services require reading and writing. We are not an animation-based role play venue. If you are not interested in reading or writing please do not hire our staff.
Would you like to book an escort for a future visit? read over our booking policies.
Body Shot | 100,000G | N/A | Take a shot of alcohol off of one of our escorts. | Writing required. use your mouth only, no hands. |
Private dance | 150,000G | 15min | Enjoy an interactive dance with one of our escorts in our private dance area. | Writing required. Ask before touching. |
Extra sweet private dance | 250,000G | 30min | Enjoy an interactive dance with one of our escorts who will also hand feed you a sweet treat from our sweets menu in our private dance area. | Writing required. Ask before touching. |
Cuddle Session | 300,000G | 30min | Enjoy SFW alone time with one of our escorts in a private room. | writing required. Max combo allowed is a three way. |
Escort session | 400,000G | 30min (1hr minimum required for a three-way) | Enjoy some NSFW fun with one of our escorts in a private room. | Writing required. Max combo allowed is a three way. |
Voyeur session (must be set up by the owner.) | Prices vary depending on the number of participants and viewers. | 30min for two participants. (1hr minimum required for a three-way.) | Pick a scenario and watch our escorts have some nsfw fun, or watch a friend/partner participate with our escorts in some nsfw fun. | Reading required. Viewers are not allowed to interact once the session begins. Max combo allowed is a three way. |
No Amielux services for Lalafell. | Due to Lalafell having a child-like appearance and mannerisms, we do not provide Amielux services for that race. Feel free to Fantasia or make an alt in another race if you want to participate in Amielux services at this venue. Using Glamourer is not an approved work around. |
No Amielux services for modded characters who have a skeletal structure the size of a child. | As with most bones in our body, the skull grows during childhood and adolescence, and it typically completes its growth by the end of puberty, around the age of 18-20. this also applies to petite adults and little people. |
Right to refuse services | Our staff has the right to refuse services, at anytime, for any reason. A refund will not be issued. |
No touching without consent in private dances. | You must receive the consent of our escorts before touching them in a private dance. Make sure to also confirm where you are allowed to touch. |
All services are to remain in character. | Please remain in character during all services with our escorts. Please keep any out of character communication in parenthesis do not write in first or second person point of view. Please write in third person point of view. |
All services are heavily writing focused, not animation focused. | Animations are for eye candy, they do not lead the session. Stick with one or two animations and use your imagination for the rest. We hire talented writers and are not an animation based role play venue. |
No recording | All sessions are between the customer and the escort. recording and/or sharing anything from a session is strictly prohibited. Recording is any form of capture including but not limited to screenshots, photos, copy + pasting text and/or images, streaming, etc. |
No discounts | Do not attempt to get services at a discounted price from any of our escorts. |
After hours pricing | All service pricing is doubled after hours. Escort and voyeur service pricing is doubled if purchased within the last half hour of closing, due to the extra time needed to setup these services. |
Scheduling | All bookings must go through and be approved by the owner. |
Payment | 50% of the payment for the requested time slot must be made upfront. |
Late to arrive | If you are 15min late the escort has the right to sell their services to other guests. If the escort is still available when you arrive late the amount of time you are late will be subtracted from your booked time, time will not be added to the end. Payment will be made in full for the originally booked time slot. No refunds will be given. |
No show | If you miss your appointment there will be no refund. |
Repetitive no show | If you miss three bookings in a row with an escort, you will no longer have the privilege to book appointments at Amielux. Please be respectful of our time. |
Cancellations | You must cancel within 24hrs of the booked timeslot to receive a refund and avoid a no show penalty. |
Please visit our services page to see our service-related policies.
Age Requirement | You must be at least 18 years of age to enter this venue. |
Lalafell | Lalafell are welcome to visit and have a drink but are prohibited from flirting with any of our staff and vice versa due to Lalafell having a child-like appearance and mannerisms. Lalafell may have casual SFW conversations and RP interactions. no Amielux services are available for Lalafell. |
Child-like modded characters are not welcome. | Players who customize their characters to have a skeletal structure the size of a child are prohibited from entering this venue. Adjust your character or stay vanilla. Please note: as with most bones in our body, the skull grows during childhood and adolescence, and it typically completes its growth by the end of puberty, around the age of 18-20. This also applies to petite adults and little people. |
Stay out of restricted areas | please stay out of the back dressing room and do not get up on the bar or the stages where the dance poles are. The escort rooms and private dance room are off-limits unless accompanied by an escort for a service. |
You must be fully clothed | this is a real-world experience of a luxury strip club and bar, please dress accordingly. |
No dancing | We are not a dance club, please stay seated or off to the side if you want to stand and chat. Be mindful of your surroundings. |
No masks | No animal head masks: frog, rabbit, chicken, Tonberry, etc. Very few exceptions are made for full face/head masks, feel free to contact management prior to your visit via our discord if you have any questions. |
No minions, pets, or fairies. | the only two fairies allowed are lea's fairy, Eos and Venus' fairy, Selene. |
Do not record | Recording of any kind is strictly prohibited. Recording is any form of capture including but not limited to screenshots, photos, copy + pasting text or images, streaming, etc. |
No Gposing | Gposing is only allowed by management or hired photographers. |
Screenshots in the main area only | you may take screenshots in the main area of our venue. Feel free to share your screenshots in our venue discord. |
You will be in photos | We take photos in the main area and entrance of our venue, these photos will be posted on our venue discord and Instagram. By entering this venue, you consent to being in our photos. |
No smoking | We are a non-smoking venue, please disable all smoking animations. |
No distracting animations | Please disable any distracting idle animations or dotes. If you have any questions about animations please speak with management before visiting the venue. |
Do not change your character in the venue | Please be considerate of other peoples bandwidth. Choose your customization settings for your character before you enter the venue and keep those settings until after you leave. |
Respect our space | No characters are allowed in the venue who are shorter than a min-height female Au ra and a max-height male Roe. Lalafell are to stay within the height range of their race. |
No distracting outfits | Please be mindful of those around you. Avoid excessively large outfits that take up a lot of space, large wings, very bright lit up items, etc. feel free to reach out to management via our discord if you have any questions. |
No lingerie or NSFW outfits | Please respect our staff and our space. Dress as you would in an IRL setting as a guest in a luxury strip club. Keep all private parts covered. |
Respect our environment | This is a real-world experience of a luxury strip club and bar, please behave and dress accordingly. |
Be respectful of others | Rude, controlling, and possessive behavior will not be tolerated in this venue. Bothering my staff outside of venue hours will result in a ban. |
Be respectful of sexual orientation and pronouns | If you don't know, ask. |
Do not harass anyone | If someone asks you to stop, stop. Do not pressure anyone into doing anything they are not comfortable with. |
Do not speak possessively of our staff | You do not own the staff here at Amielux. Do not speak as though you are entitled to them, and do not use possessive terminology when speaking of or to them. |
Do not touch our staff without consent | Ask our escorts for consent before touching. If consent is given, verify where you are allowed to touch them before doing so. |
Do not sexualize Eos or Selene | Eos and Selene are strictly SFW staff. Do not flirt with them and do not attempt to discuss NSFW-related topics with them. This will result in a ban. |
Do not gift services without the consent of both parties and management approval | all parties are required to consent before a service can be purchased. This is for the safety of our staff. If you want to gift services in order to support Amielux consider buying out the bar instead, which benefits all staff members working that night. |
No negative topics in public chat | please be respectful of those around you and keep any negative topics in private chat channels. |
social justice issues
explicit sexual content
bigotry against any group of people
discrimination of any kind
mental, emotional, and/or physical abuse
please refrain from any negative topics.
3,000,000 per hour or 8,000,000 for the entire night.

Private guest list | VIP access to you and a list of up to 5 guests. |
Free drinks | Up to 3 drinks per person, per hour. |
Hot tub | Relax in our luxury venue in a hot tub. |
Designated escort | You may have an escort accompany you during your VIP stay. This is only available based on escort availability. If you arrive before opening you can request an escort to stay in VIP with you during your stay. Only escorts marked "VIP accessible" may accompany you. You can book VIP ahead of time at 50% of the cost. Cancellations need to be made within 24hrs or there will be no refund. |
Body Shots | The guest purchasing VIP will get the body shot, they are welcome to pass it off to one of their guests. This service is only available based on escort availability. |
Extra sweet private dance | The guest purchasing VIP will get the extra sweet private dance, they are welcome to pass it off to one of their guests. This service is only available based on escort availability. |
Polaroid memory | A member of our staff will take a polaroid photo of you and send it to you signed by the owner. If there is a group it will be of the whole group. An escort may be in the photo with their consent. Discord required. |
Private guest list | Provide a list ahead of time of up to 5 additional guests. No more than 6 people may be in VIP at any given time. Please do not change the guest list once you have arrived. Exceptions may be made if a friend needs to leave early and you want to replace that friend. Let management know as soon as possible, before that friend arrives. |
Free drinks | We want to ensure our bartender has the bandwidth to deal with random busy times so we put a limit of 3 drinks per guest per hour. |
Hot tub | Swimsuits required in the hot tub, please plan ahead of time. No shoes in the tub. |
No Services | Outside of the extra sweet private dance and body shot there will be no services in VIP. If you wish to purchase a session please do so after your VIP time has ended. |
Please respect our space | Look at our policies on our page, they apply to everyone including VIP guests. |
Polaroid memory | Due to time constraints, sometimes polaroid photos will not get taken the same day. Therefore we may request your MCDF. Polaroids are optional, so if you do not want one, or do not want to provide your MCDF, let management know. |